Could you be a better friend? - I would say 90% of the time I'm there for my friends. Sometimes I take them for granted and just don't think twice about them. Have you ever let a friend down? - I would say that I have let a friend down 'cause I let jealousy take over their success. And I guess now I kind of reflect that it was my own insecurity. Do you keep your friend's secrets? - It's definitely not okay to share other people's secrets, specifically when they tell you not to. Have you ever ghosted a friend? - Ghosting is like the worst like possible method of saying to a friend, "Look, I just need some space from you." I would never ghost anybody because it's so hurtful. Have you ever made a friend look stupid? - If it's friendly banter, yeah, I have made a friend look stupid. Have you ever forgiven a friend? - We all make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes I think I forgive way too much and apologize way too much. Everyone can become a better friend. Take the quiz to find out how. []