Dealing with disturbing videos Watching a TV show or video that has disturbing themes in it is a tricky thing to manage. Remember you don’t need to watch anything that’s disturbing. But if you decide to watch here’s how to manage some of the feelings that can come up when watching something a bit full-on. If videos… Upset you in the moment – Take a break – Get away from the screen for a bit, don’t binge watch bad stuff. If you’re worried about FOMO if you skip it, try watching it with a friend and watching something funny or positive straight after. Shift your mood from good to crappy – Practice self-care – Do something that makes you feel better – go for a walk, chat to a friend, have a hot drink or eve jump in the bath. Make you feel worried about someone you know – Start a conversation – Talk to the person that you’re worried about and remind them that you’re there if they need you. You can also reach out to a GP or counsellor to get some advice. Stir up past trauma by triggering memories or flashbacks – Get support – If you already see a counsellor or psychologist, make an appointment to discuss your experiences. If you don’t yet have professional support in place – make an appointment with your GP to get started.