Could you be a better friend? - I would consider myself a good friend. Are you always there for your friends? - Yes, I'm there for them if they need me, need help, need support. No, because sometimes friends can do things they shouldn't be doing, and while I can support them, they could do with a slap on the head to get their shit together. Have you ever let a friend down? - I'm definitely sure it has happened, just maybe not off the top of my head, but I definitely do think I've let down a friend. Sometimes it could've been when I said, "Hey, we'll hang out, I'll be there for you," and I don't turn up, which doesn't look good on me. Have you ever ghosted a friend? - A lot of the time it could be because I'm not feeling well and I'm blue, and I can see they're trying to reach out and I'm just not in the head space to even talk to them. So I just do my own thing, relax, and just watch their messages and calls go through until I'm better. But then I get better, then I get back to them. Have you had a friend you didn't really like? - Yeah, I've had some friends that didn't really like. Sometimes I realized that they're not actually as good for me or they're not who I once saw them to be. Have you ever forgiven a friend? - I've forgiven a lot of crazy shit in the past. A friendship, like any relationship is a two way street, so if only one person's putting in, what do you really share? Everyone can become a better friend. Take the quiz to find out how. []