There was this girl in our group that me and another girl used to pick on. We didn't consider it bullying at the time. We actually liked her. We just liked having someone to tease. It got pretty bad - ending with me posting something terrible online. Then the police got involved, we stopped being friends, understandably. But a few years later, we were at the same party and I apologised. I told her how much that incident has scared me. Not just because I got into trouble, but because it made me see how easy it was to become that kind of person. Turns out bullying isn't just a tough kid stealing your lunch money. Bullying can be done by someone like me. She forgave me, which was cool, but it's still the biggest regret I have in my life. If only I had thought more about how she might be feeling. Don't become that person. If you're worried about your behaviour - Do something about it. Reachout dot com.