How to be an LGBTQIA+ Ally Cartoon graphic with text Two people standing side by side - woman with light skin and shoulder length brown hair, wearing a collared white shirt with rolled up sleeves, and green maxi skirt, rainbow sicks and black shoes. Man with dark skin and dark hair, wearing a hat, blue jacket with a rainbow pin, dark pants and yellow shoes. The man has an arm around the woman's shoulder There are graphics and tips connected to the pair. [Graphic] Two red love hearts side by side, with a hand reaching from one love heart to the other [Tip] Take care of the people in your life who need support [Graphic] Speech bubble with an open mouth [Tip] Let people in the LGBTQIA+ community speak for themselves [Graphic] An open book with a pair of glasses on top [Tip] Learn about issues that are important to the community [Graphic] A smiling face holding a megaphone [Tip] Encourage family and friends to be an ally [Graphic] Pair of binocolours; the lenses are rainbow coloured [Tip] be visible and support the community