Looking for a job isn't an easy task, it's not just handing out your resume cause a lot of people get rejected and it's dealing with that rejectiont that I think people find hardest. It's hard to find anyone who wants someone who is like my age without experience. You couldn't get a job if you didn't have experience but you couldn't get experience if you don't have a job so that was difficult. I've only had two jobs in my life and I've applied for a lot of jobs. I'm currently signed up with a desk provider. I signed up for a lot of notifications for places when they are hiring. I tried to find some part time work just locally and it was difficult being in a regional area and I didn't have a car. I've applied from everywhere, from fast food places to clearning people's houses and motels to babysitting to being a nanny. As social media as I can, I go on all the job seeking sites. I'll get on Seek and I'll look through the jobs and I'll save them. And then I'll go back later and just apply for them all in one go. Even though you don't feel like it, get out of bed. You have to get out of bed. When I was actively looking for jobs, my day would be getting up, making sure my resume is looking good, print it out if I wanted to hand it in person or just jumping on the computer and sending it out and then relaxing for the rest of the day because it's pretty straight forward. If I'm feleing overwhelmed with the actual process of applying for jobs and writing all the cover letters then I take a break. Even just going for a walk, going to the shops to get some groceries. I like to do a lot of drawing and crafts and embroidering just to keep my mind busy. For me, like, doing exercise or reading books or doing whatever you like is the most important to keep you busy. Grocery shop, do anything that you can to keep moving. When I'm feeling a bit down and a bit sorry for myself, I put on high energy music or something that I know will lift my spirits. I also have a lot of impromptu dance parties in my kitchen with my son.