Living with school stress comic Panel 1: Boy sitting on couch next to a figure that looks the same as him, but bigger. The bigger figure has 'STRESS' written on his t-shirt. They're watching TV and Stress says "HEY, don't you have an exam tomorrow?" Boy replies "Gees, where did you come from?" Panel 2: Boy sitting on couch alone, talking to Stress who stands in front of the TV. Boy says "Ok ok, if I do an hour of study before I watch another ep, will you go away?" "Deal," says Stress. Panel 3: Stress is smaller now, and sits next to Boy at a table. Boy is studying. Panel 4: Next day Boy is sitting in a classroom, surrounded by classmates. They're doing a test. Stress stands tall, looming behind Boy. "You're gonna fail," says Stress. Panel 5: Boy closes his eyes and says "I'm just gonna take three deep breaths. One...two...three." Stress is smaller and watches Boy from behind him. Panel 6: Stress stands tall again as Boy looks at his test, worried, "Oh god I'm gonna fail." Panel 7: Boy says "Ok, this might be tricky but I've studies and now I'll give it my best shot." Stress is smaller and watches Boy, "You got it." Caption: Rom realised that ignoring stress is not the answer. By thinking about stress differently and doing some study, Tom learnt to live with the little guy.