Could you be a better friend? - I think I can be a good friend and a not so good friend. Do you always tell your friends the truth? - Well, I think I am honest with people. Sometimes I'll say things that are perhaps a little bit, they could come across as harsh. I just don't find telling the truth that difficult, to be honest. Have you ever let a friend down? - Yeah, I think there have been times when people trusted me to not make fun of, or not share certain things about them they were sensitive about. And I really regret that. Do you gossip abot friends? - Yeah. I've gossiped about my friends in my life. Gossiping with someone ironically brings you closer to the you're gossiping with, even though it's pushing you away from the person you're gossiping about. Do you keep your friend's secrets? - I have shared secrets that I said I wouldn't, but not very, very important, integral to their whole existence kind of secrets. Have you had a friend you didn't really like? - Yeah, I've had friends that I didn't love, I guess. Have you ever ghosted a friend? - I've avoided people, but I've never like blocked, delete, ghost, never speak to them again kind of thing. Have you ever forgiven a friend? - Yeah, I have. I have forgiven people in the past, but I think you have to. You can't keep them living with this collection of people you hate right? You have to get on good terms with people if you can. Everyone can become a better friend. Take the quiz to find out how. []