Could you be a better friend? - Yeah, I think I'm a good friend, but before I wasn't. Do you akways tell your friends the truth? - Oh yeah, I tell the truth 24/7. That's why I only have a small pool of friends. Have you ever let a friend down? - I have let a friend down, but that's in their eyes. I don't think I let a friend down. Me canceling a movie date. Sorry, my mental health comes first. Do you gossip about friends? - Have I gossiped about a friend? Yes, that's a thing, it's entertaining. Like why lie? It is, it's very much entertaining. Do you keep your friend's secrets? - If I told you a secret and I hear it from someone else's lips, that's it. When you trust friends just with secrets. You're being very vulnerable to them. It hurts your soul that you trust someone so well and then they use that against you. Have you had a friend you didn't really like? - Oh yes, they're called frenemies. I don't know if you heard of that. Yeah, I've had a few friends I didn't really like, but I wouldn't really consider them friends. Just more like being friendly to them. Have you ever ghosted a friend? - You just disconnect from a person completely literally being a ghost, just you're talking to them one day and then the next day, poo, you're gone. I think it's the new norm. Have you ever given up on a friend? - I have in the past. Had to give up on a friend, but I think it was better for both parties. If it feels wrong, then it is wrong. Simple as that. Are you always there for your friends? - I am there for my friends, but if they ever do wrong by me, I'm going to call them out. A hundred percent. Everyone can become a better friend. Take the quiz to find out how. []