[on-screen text] We went along to a young humanitarians conference and asked: what's an issue that you're passionate about? And what can you do to make a difference? One issue, out of the many, is the big issue of racism. Take that one step just to say, "Hey, I'm not gonna discriminate against somebody because of the colour of their skin." An issue important to me is cultural misunderstanding. I feel like we need to start educating each other and ourselves, especially through schools, and as youth, it is kind of our responsibility to take the initiative. One of the issues that's important is body image amongst teenagers, and their self image and perception of themselves. Talking to people about their feelings We live in a society where we're surrounded by models and we think we have to live up to that. Have a positive mindset; don't feel negatively upon yourself. E-waste and the improper disposal of it. A new iPhone comes out, if you have a perfectly good iPhone, then maybe you don't need that new one. Young people might stress out about school. Make sure you spend some time for yourself, maybe leave a day, like Sunday. The need for greater cultural understanding between indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Interact with people that you might not interact with in your community. Cultural diversity and inclusion. I think a lot of it has to do with stepping up when racist situations do happen. Teenagers – especially teenagers – they're relying on technology too much. We can have like camps; take it back old school. Get them to set up their own tents. get them to set up their own fires, get them to as a group to interact. An important issue to me is inter-religious dialogue. Pretty much just simply say "hi" to their neighbours. For me, it's mental health. Speak up, talk to someone. Some people from my background don't get to express themself in arts. Keep on doing what you do – get a model and never give up.