Could you be a better friend? - I'm pretty sure I'm a good friend. Are you always there for your friends? - So I'm there for them as much as I can, unless they need me in a way that I can't provide for them without hurting my own mental health. Do you always tell your friends the truth? - Yes. In a lot of situations I've had to tell friends the truth, and it wasn't easy, I hate conflict, and I think that that's an important part of friendship is that you tell people the truth and you help them grow as people. Have you ever let a friend down? - I'm sure I've let a friend down at some point. It makes me feel like I wanna work out who I've let down and like, track them down and work out how to make that better. Do you gossip about friends? - I think everyone's gossiped about a friend at some point. I think it's natural, I think it's insecurity. There are people who've gossiped about me, I'm sure who I've never had a conversation with. Have you had a friend you didn't really like? - I think for a long period of time I had a lot of friends who, I didn't necessarily like them, they didn't really like me, but we were together because of circumstance. Have you ever ghosted a friend? - I've definitely been ghosted. It's so awful, like I wish they would have just spoken to me about it. It hurts so much when you don't know what's happening. Have the conversation, don't like disappear. Have you ever made a friend look stupid? - Yes, I've said things to make friends look stupid is the answer. Not proud of it, but it happens. Have you ever forgiven a friend? - I'm pretty forgiving. I think there's a lot that I can look past. I'm happy to forgive them if they're willing to work and grow and be a better person about it. Everyone can become a better friend. Take the quiz to find out how. []