You went to the fridge to get your delicious leftover pizza, and it was nowhere to be seen. Your flatmate must have eaten it. Before you hunt them down or go all pass-agg and eat their icecream, try this meditation to send good vibes to yourself and then other people. Make yourself comfortable sitting down. With your eyes closed or open, take three deep breaths and observe the breath moving in and out of the body. Now think about yourself. Start by wishing yourself well. Repeating the phrase "May I be happy, may I be healthy and safe,may I be well." Now think about a person you really care about.Maybe a friend, maybe a family member. Picture them in your mind and send them some friendly wishes. "May you be happy, may you be healthy and safe,may you be well." Notice the feelings that come up when you wish them well. Now, picture your flatmate who ate the pizza. You might notice feelings of frustrations or anger rising up. And that's okay. Wish them well as you did yourself and your close friend. Notice any feelings of resistance that might come up. "May you be happy, may you be healthy and safe, may you be well." Bring your attention back to the space you're in, and notice how you're feeling now. And when you're ready, open your eyes and go back into your day. And tell your flatmate, kindly, not to steal your pizza.