Why helping out mob makes us all feel deadly

This comic was produced in partnership with Studio Gilay.

Your mob is your family and community. So, when times get tough, it’s important to help each other out in any way you can.

Being there for mob is also a great way to support your own social and emotional wellbeing. And just like we learn from these characters, there’s a bunch of ways you can do this that’ll make you feel deadly.

Comic featuring various scenarios where a young boy is helping out his mob.

Download a transcript of this comic.

By reaching out to your mob, you're helping yourself.

Quick tips for helping out mob:

  • Learn from your Elders and community leaders. They’ve got a lifetime of wisdom and experience to share about the ways you can support mob through both good and tough times.

  • Be there during sorry business. Dealing with grief and loss is never easy. Supporting mob during sorry business is an important time to let others know you’re there for them.

  • Listen without judging. Sometimes people just want someone to have a yarn with. So, it can often be enough simply to listen to what they’re saying and acknowledge what they’re going through.

  • Respect cultural protocols. Learning about your mob’s cultural protocols, especially from your Elders, can help you to support others with understanding, care and respect.

What can I do now?
