Study hacks

By ReachOut Content Team
Published 06 September 2023

Amy, Philip, Calypso and Christo serve up a bunch of genius study hacks and techniques that will help you get your study habits in shape.

Colour coding, spreading things out, really helped me.

Top study hacks

  • Exercise regularly. Christo goes for a surf each morning to release endorphins and start the day right. Regular exercise will help you feel more motivated when it comes to long stints at your desk. 

  • Use colours to stay organised. Amy uses colour to boost her memory in exams. You could use different coloured highlighters for each topic to help your brain associate certain colours with certain information. 

  • Make a timetable. Philip uses a spreadsheet to plan his study and feel focused (and to make sure he takes a break). Think about your sleep schedule and how you’ll balance your other commitments, like sport, work and your social life.

  • Embrace your weird ideas. Calypso says she would add weight to her pens to help her write faster and sleep with her notes under her pillow the night before an exam. It may seem strange, but good study is all about doing what works for you.

Building these study habits will not only help you to thrive, but keep you feeling good, confident and less stressed during exams and assessment periods.

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