Ask ReachOut Beta

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Get answers to your questions from ReachOut’s articles and resources.

Common Worries

How do I build better study habits?

Tips for managing exam anxiety

Where can I get free mental health support?

Good things about being single

How do I break up with someone respectfully?

I need to talk to someone

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What is Ask ReachOut and how does it work?

Ask ReachOut helps you find reputable information and support that suits you, using AI to match your questions with prepared answers from our database.

These prepared answers have been generated from ReachOut articles and resources. This means that the answer you get has been researched by ReachOut staff and informed by feedback from users like you.

Ask ReachOut is a work in progress, in some situations it might misinterpret your question or not have an answer. We're constantly working to improve Ask ReachOut, expand our response library and cover more topics.

Do you see the questions I ask?

Yes, we use your questions and feedback to get an idea of the subjects you're interested in and the kind of questions you want answered. For more information, check out our Privacy policy.

How can I give feedback or report a problem?

If you get a response that isn't what you're expecting, you can let us know by giving it a thumbs up or thumbs down and leaving comments or questions in the text field.

For technical problems, use our Contact form to send us more details.

To talk to a real person at ReachOut about exams and study stress, you can book a chat with one of our PeerChat peer workers.

Ask ReachOut is not intended to be a crisis service. If you want to talk to someone right now, you can find crisis support on our Urgent help page.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call emergency services on 000.