Chase’s story: How I got support with coming out as trans
Hear from Chase about how he dealt with puberty as a young trans person. Learn how he approached coming out and how he got support.
[After coming out, I started to] feel more comfortable in myself, you know, becoming more of myself and just seeing myself you know just become the person that I've always wanted to be.
Here’s what we learnt from Chase:
Chase used stories from other trans people to help him come out – he showed his mum a video and said, ‘I’m just like the people from the videos…I’m transgender.’
Chase first started socially transitioning by making changes such as:
coming out and living as his identified gender
changing his name to Chase and going by he/him pronouns
wearing the boys uniform at school
having his hair short.
Throughout high school, Chase was stealth, which meant that he didn’t tell anyone he was trans. He knew it was ultimately his decision who he did and didn’t tell.
Chase found support through local LGBTQIA+ youth support groups. He also had a good school psychologist who was able to listen to him and be there for him.
Chase’s relationship with his parents improved. He let them in and told them who he truly was, and they were supportive so he was able to educate them on who he was.
For Chase, the best parts about coming out were:
joining the LGBTQIA+ community. Although he’s always been shy and reserved, the more he put himself out there, the more he started meeting new people and making friends.
being able to finally live as his true self. Being able to look the way he wanted and feel comfortable in himself, and be the person he’s always wanted to be.

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What can I do now?
If you need support, find an LGBTQIA+ support service here.
Get more info about gender here.
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