Study strong: Alex talks about anxiety and getting support

Published 04 November 20245 minute read

This video was produced in partnership with Studio Gilay

Read a transcript of the video.

I hope kids can understand that there is support … especially as Blackfellas [we] need that support.

The final years of school can be pretty hectic, and it’s not always easy to deal with the anxiety that can come with it. Here’s what we learnt from Alex about ways to manage anxiety and find the right support.  

  • Spot the signs. When the anxiety kicked in, Alex felt overwhelmed, stressed and shaky, and his heart would start racing. Anxiety can show up in different ways, but if you’re feeling on edge a lot of the time, learn more about how to spot the signs and the steps you can take.

  • Don’t be Shame; seek support. Speaking up when you need help might seem hard, but there’s no shame in it. Sometimes, it’s about finding a trusted person you can yarn to. For Alex, it was his Aboriginal Liaison Officer/Aboriginal Education Officer at school, who helped him get extra support from a psychologist.  

  • Find what works for you. Alex found that deep breathing, music, basketball and jogging helped to calm his mind and body. You could also talk with a mate, get out on Country, or even try out some mob mindfulness – there are plenty of things you can do to look after your social and emotional wellbeing. 

  • There’s more than one path. Like Alex says, ‘High school isn’t the be-all and end-all.’ There are heaps of ways to get where you want to be, no matter what ATAR you get or when you finish up school. For inspo, check out our Deadly Pathways Quiz to see where your skills and passions could take you.  

What can I do now?

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