About the app
Whether you're feeling sad, anxious and stressed, or you're dealing with constant negative thoughts, Happify app has effective tools and programs to help you take control of your emotional well being.

User rating
Health Pro rating
FreeInternet & data usage
Improve general wellbeing, Increase happiness, Manage stress, Manage anxietyMethod
Education and advice, Assessment and tipsDeveloper
Happify, IncReviews
Health Pro
The tasks where informative, colourful and interesting. I liked the tracking around building your happiness. It was great for general wellness and emotional well being. I didn't find this app overly functional and was a bit ordinary to navigate.
User review
I liked...
The variety it has and how for each option there are multiple options. It also have a broad range of topics that it covers.
I didn't like...
It can be overwhelming to begin with. You also must need an internet connection to use it. It also needs to be used daily for the best results.
User review
I liked...
It was creative. I didn't realise I was learning stuff!
I didn't like...
It was a little young.
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User rating
Health Pro rating
FreeInternet & data usage
Improve general wellbeing, Increase happinessAvailable on