Smiling Mind
About the app
Smiling Mind is a meditation app for young people. It has been developed by a team of psychologists and uses mindfulness to boost calmness, contentment and clarity. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to help manage stress, resilience, anxiety, depression and improve general health and wellbeing.
Smiling Mind now includes programs in a number of Aboriginal languages such as Kriol, Ngaanyatjarra and Pitjantjatjara. These programs were created with help from Central Australia’s NPY Women’s Council. The additional language programs are located in ‘All Programs’ under ‘Other Language Programs’.

User rating
Health Pro rating
FreeInternet & data usage
Improve general wellbeing, Manage stress, Stay positive, RelaxMethod
Guided meditation, Mindfulness techniquesDeveloper
Smiling MindReviews
Health Pro
User review
I liked...
Very easy to use.
User review
I liked...
It was easy to use and encouraged you to stick to a simple program.
I didn't like...
I found the voice to be a bit annoying sometimes. It might be good if you could pick from a male or female voice, or maybe a few different options.
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