LGBTQIA+ support services
Wondering what help is available for LGBTQIA+ young people in Australia? There are many state-based and nationwide services ready to answer your questions and get you the support you need.
Urgent help
If you or someone you are with is in immediate danger please call 000. If you've experienced threats or violence, but aren't in immediate danger, report it to the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.
If you’re feeling distressed and want to talk to someone right now, you can find a list of free, confidential helplines via our Urgent Help page.
QLife is a free and anonymous helpline for LGBTQIA+ people and their loved ones wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, gender, bodies, feelings, or relationships.

LGBTIQ+ mental health support
QLife is a free and anonymous helpline for LGBTIQ+ people and their loved ones. Available every day from 3pm to midnight.
National services
National youth-led organisation supporting LGBTQIA+ youth with resources, events, and advocacy. Also offers a directory for LGBTQIA+ youth groups in your area.
Visit the Minus18 website or view upcoming Minus18 events.
A peer support, information and advocacy group for people born with variations in sex characteristics, and their families.
Visit the IPSA website or see upcoming IPSA events and meetups.
Provides mental health and wellbeing services to people with variations of sex characteristics and their family members. They also help people connect with appropriate allied health and community-based services, advocacy and peer support groups.
Visit the InterLink website to register for short-term individual or group counselling.
Provides programs and services for families, parents and caregivers of trans, gender diverse or non-binary young people. Support options include individual and group-based family support, trans youth engagement and advocacy programs, and social events for families and trans young people.
Visit the Transcend Australia website to explore the support options.
State and territory-based services
Provides emergency housing, counselling, and peer-support services to LGBTQIA+ people around New South Wales. They also run community events and social support programs designed specifically for young queer people under 25.
Contact the Twenty10 intake and referral service to speak with someone who can help you explore what programs are right for you. You can also see upcoming Twenty10 events via the website or on the Twenty10 Instagram.
The Gender Centre Inc.
Provides support resources, emergency housing services, and counselling to trans and gender-diverse people in NSW. They also run a number of support groups, including one for teens aged 12-17 and one for young adults aged 18-24.
Visit The Gender Centre website to explore all the support options. You can also call them on (02) 9569 2366 to get more information about their support groups and reserve your spot.
Government-funded organisation focused on community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders. Services include state-wide counselling, care coordination, substance support, and health promotion.
Visit the ACON website to explore all the support options. You can also find options for support services in regional NSW here.
A digital information and resource platform for all trans and gender diverse (TGD) people, run by ACON. Find resources about social, medical and legal gender affirmation practices.
Visit the TransHub website.
Open Doors Youth Service
Queensland’s only dedicated LGBTQIA+SB youth service. They offer a range of support services including social groups, counselling and individual and family support. To access the counselling service or to join a support group, fill out the Open Doors referral form online. You can also call them on (07) 3257 7660.
They also run a drop-in centre where you can grab a meal, raid the community closet, and connect with other LGBTQIA+SB young people and our youth workers. No need to register or complete a referral form to attend. Visit the Open Doors website or call the service to see when the service is open.
Address: 5 Green Square Close (Entrance via Constance St), Fortitude Valley
Queensland Council for LGBTI Health (QC)
Community-driven health service, supporting Queensland's LGBTI, Sistergirl, and Brotherboy communities. They provide information, counselling and domestic and family violence support.
Visit the QC website to access their services. You can also call QC on (07) 3017 1777 to see which services are right for you.
Gayawur Rainbow
Provides a wide range of services designed to support the wellbeing of LGBTIQA+SB communities, including:
Peer-led groups, counselling, and resources to help individuals navigate mental health challenges.
Dedicated areas for LGBTQIA+SB individuals to meet, share experiences, and build community.
Peer networks – connecting people in rural and regional areas with trusted community connectors.
Visit the QC website to learn more about Gayawur Rainbow. To access their services, request a callback from a member of the team by filling out your details online.
Rainbow Door
Free specialist helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTQIA+ Victorians, their friends and family. Rainbow Door is open 10am - 5pm, everyday. You can call, text or email them and they'll get back to you within their operating hours.
Call: 1800 729 367 SMS: 0480 017 246 Email:
Rainbow Door offers support in languages other than English, including Auslan through an interpreter service. To access in-language support call the helpline and ask to be connected to an interpreter.
Thorne Harbour Health
LGBTQIA+ community-controlled organisation providing a range of health and wellbeing services, including:
Counselling and support groups – free and available face-to-face or online.
PRONTO! – a rapid HIV test and sexual health service for men who have sex with men and trans & gender diverse people.
The Centre Clinic – a safe and friendly GP providing general health care for LGBTQIA+ community members and specialist medical care for people living with HIV.
Equinox Gender Diverse Health Service – gender affirming bulk billing GP and low cost counselling for the trans and gender diverse (TGD) community.
Explore all of the available support options on the Thorne Harbour website or call the team on (03) 9865 6700.
LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing support service focused on relationships, families, parenting and young people. Support options include:
Low or no-cost confidential counselling.
Queerspace Youth – peer-led support groups and events for Queer, Trans, Intersex, Gender Diverse or questioning people aged 16-25 years old.
(in)Visible – community workshops and events for young queer and trans people aged 16-25 years old from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.
Access counselling by filling out the Queerspace counselling intake form. You can also visit the Queerspace website or call the team on (03) 9663 6733.
Mind Australia - Aftercare
Free specialist psychological counselling programs for LGBTQIA+ people in the Melbourne area who are having thoughts or intentions of suicide.
Access Mind’s Aftercare program by filling out the referral form on the Aftercare website. You can also call the team on 1300 286 463 or email them at
Transgender Victoria (TGV)
Offers a range of support services for transgender, gender diverse and non-binary (TGD) people in Victoria. Support options include:
Peer Navigation – free and confidential one-on-one sessions for anyone wanting to explore their gender identity in a safe and supportive setting. If you are over the age of 15, you aren’t required to be accompanied by an adult.
TGV social groups – in-person and online support groups for the TGD community.
Affirmation Station – trans-led community hub offering events, workshops, affirmation services, an opshop and creative therapies.
To learn more about TGV or to book a Peer Navigation session, visit the TGV website.
Rainbow Network
A directory of LGBTQIA+ groups and services all over Victoria. Explore the directory via the Rainbow Network website.
Victorian Pride Centre
A purpose-built centre for LGBTQIA+ communities, providing a safe space for community connection. Check out upcoming Victorian Pride Centre events or explore the Resource Directory.
LGBTQIA+ community organisation based in Canberra. Provides wellbeing services (including face-to-face counselling), HIV services, sexual health services, and community events.
Visit the Meridian website to explore their services.
A Gender Agenda
Community organisation supporting intersex, trans and gender-diverse people in the ACT. Provides several outreach programs including a drop-in peer to peer support service. They also run the Gender Expression Collective, which provides local gender-diverse people with free gender affirming items (e.g. binders, tucking underwear, makeup).
Visit the A Gender Agenda website to learn more.
Northern Territory AIDS and Hepatitis Council (NTHAC)
NTHAC is the main point of contact for LGBTQIA+ people in the Northern Territory who have questions about sexuality or gender, or want to connect with local support services. They also host community events throughout the year.
Visit the NTHAC website. You can also use their clinic map to find queer-friendly sexual health services in the NT.
Sexual health and relationship wellbeing service for people of all genders, sexualities, sexes, cultures, and abilities. Support options include:
Inclusive clinics offering sexual health services, GPs, counselling and rapid HIV testing.
Low or no-cost sexual health counselling for people aged 12+.
Free and confidential Sexual Healthline – call 1300 883 793, Monday to Friday between 9:00am to 12:30pm to speak to a SHINE SA nurse.
Visit the SHINE SA website to learn more about what's on offer.
With Respect – Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (FDSV) Counselling
Free, professional and specialised counselling and support for LGBTQIA+ people (aged 16+) who have been impacted by FDSV. Face-to-face, telehealth or phone sessions are available and you don't need a referral.
To book a session, contact SHINE SA on 8300 5300 and ask to book an appointment to see a With Respect counsellor.
You can learn more about this service on the With Respect website.
Thorne Harbour Health
A community-led organisation offering free specialist mental health support and an alcohol and other drugs service. Submit a referral via the Thorne Harbour website or call the team on (08) 7078 4128 to discuss which programs are right for you.
Provides support, education and training about Sexual Health and HIV for men who have sex with men and people living with HIV, as well as services for the broader LGBTIQ community in South Australia. They offer rapid HIV testing, sexual health information and community groups and social events.
Visit the SAMESH website.
Gender Connect Country SA
Confidential support for people living in Country SA who have questions about being or supporting those who identify as trans, gender diverse or gender questioning. This service is free and is staffed by peer workers with lived experience of gender diversity.
Call 08 7099 5390 or use the Gender Connect Country SA webchat.
The service is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday between 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Closed on public holidays.
Free and confidential service run by Uniting Communities. Support options include peer support, community connections, workplace training and volunteering opportunities for the community.
Visit the Bfriend website to learn more or call Uniting Communities on 1800 615 677.
Rainbow Directory SA
Lists LGBTQIA+ services, groups and activities across SA. You can filter the results by age, location and cost.
Explore the Rainbow Directory.
Trans Health South Australia
Offers a directory of affirming health practitioners as well as resources for the trans community to seek support and social engagement.
Explore the directory on the Trans Health South Australia website.
Working It Out (WIO)
Tasmania's only dedicated LGBTQIA+ support, advocacy and education service. They provide free and confidential counselling, support groups, education programs and workplace training.
WIO community services – includes a health services directory, support groups and peer-to-peer programs
You can also contact WIO at or call 6231 1200 for more information.
Online directory of Tasmanian businesses and services that have self-identified as being LGBTIQ+ inclusive.
Explore the directory on the Signpost website.
The Freedom Centre
Provides a range of support services for LGBTQIA+ young people in Western Australia, including a drop-in space in West Leederville and online via Discord, free counselling, and financial support.
Explore all available support options on The Freedom Centre website. You can also call the team on (08) 9482 0000.
Western Australian AIDS Council (WAAC)
Provides a broad range of sexual health and support services, including counselling and support for people living with HIV, sexual health services for LGBTQIA+ people, and peer mentoring.
To access counselling, call 08 9482 0000 or fill out the intake form on the WAAC website. They also provide a number of directories on their website, including an LGBTQIA+ GP Locator and a Free Condom locator.
TransFolk of WA
A peer support service for transgender people and their loved ones in Western Australia. Support options include online groups, resources, recommended services and community events. Find out more via the TransFolk of WA website.
Living Proud
Provides information and resources to LGBTQIA+SB people in WA. Find local support options via the Living Proud support directory, or explore resources on the Living Proud website.
Youth Educating Peers (YEP)
Provides peer-based sexual health education across Western Australia. Access LGBTQIA+ specific sexual health information and resources on the YEP website.
Youth Pride Network
Advocacy group of LGBTQIA+ young people in Western Australia. Explore support resources or the Safe Spaces map on the Youth Pride Network website.
What can I do now?
Find out more about sex, sexuality or gender.
Join our Online Community to connect anonymously with other LGBTQIA+ young people.
Want to chat with a peer worker who can listen to you and support you? Book a free, text-based session with ReachOut PeerChat.