Support services for psychotic disorders

The symptoms of psychotic disorders can be managed and treated – but it’s important to get help as early as possible. There are steps you should take if you need help urgently. Find out where to get help and support, including online information, chat and self-help programs.

This can help if:

  • you're experiencing psychosis and looking for support

  • you need urgent help with psychotic symptoms

  • you're interested in support groups.

Boy talking to a doctor

Getting help for psychosis and psychotic disorders

Psychosis is a temporary state of experiencing an ‘altered reality’ – also known as a ‘psychotic episode’. This is where a person has difficulty knowing what’s real. Psychosis isn’t a mental illness in itself; rather, it’s a symptom of some mental health disorders, such as schizophrenia. It’s possible to have a single psychotic episode and to have a complete recovery.

Psychotic disorders are when psychotic episodes, and other symptoms, start to happen more frequently or don’t go away. If you think you’re experiencing psychotic symptoms, see your GP immediately. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction and make sure you get the support you need.

If you need help urgently

If you need urgent help with psychotic symptoms, visit the nearest emergency department or see our urgent help page for services that can help. Alternatively, check out the mental health crisis number in your state.

If you need to talk to someone

If you’re looking for information, or just want to talk to someone, get in touch with one of these services:

  • eheadspace: This online chat counselling service is available 7 days a week, 9 am – 1 am AEST.

  • Kids Helpline: This web-based and email counselling service is available 24/7 for young people up to 25 years.

  • Lifeline: Online chat counselling service is available 7 days a week, 7 pm – 12 am AEST.

Visit our urgent help page for telephone counselling services.

Online information about schizophrenia, psychosis and psychotic disorders

  • SANE Australia provides information and resources for schizophrenia and psychosis.

  • headspace provides information and resources about psychosis.

  • Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) is based in Victoria. Their website provides information about psychotic disorders.

Online programs and support groups

  • Mental Health Carers Australia is for friends and family member supporting people through depression and other mental health disorders.

  • OnTrack is an online program for people aged 14 and older who are having strange experiences and are looking for help with figuring out what's 'real'. OnTrack helps you cope with your symptoms, but it needs to be used in conjunction with other treatments. You should chat to your GP before using this program.

What can I do now?

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