About the app
Change your relationship with alcohol through Daybreak, a personalised mobile app that helps you reclaim control and develop healthier habits. Whether you want to cut back or quit drinking completely, Daybreak’s supportive community will be there for you at every challenge.
An initial interview guides you to clearly understand your personal goals and life context, from which Daybreak will recommend tailored activities that are proven to positively change your lifestyle habits. Keep track of your personal progress through weekly check-ins, and set custom notification schedules to help you when you are likely to need it most.

User rating
Health Pro rating
FreeInternet & data usage
Drink less, Better habits, Be healthierMethod
Social motivation, education and adviceDeveloper
Hello Sunday MorningReviews
Health Pro
Daybreak aims to help users change their relationship with alcohol by helping people develop healthier habits by cutting back or quitting drinking completely. An initial interview guides the user to clearly understand their personal goals from which Daybreak will recommend tailored activities that have been chosen behaviour change experts that are known to work. Users are invited to become part of the world’s leading online support community, working together in an anonymous, safe, and secure environment. Users can track of their personal progress through weekly check-ins, and set custom notification schedules. The main feature of the app is a feed where people can post their mood and how they are managing. In turn they can look at other peoples posts and in turn feel they have the support and understanding of others on the challenging journey.
User review
I liked...
I like that it prompts you to select a mood to accompany your post. I think this would help people who find it difficult to share their feelings and would ensure greater self-reflection.
I didn't like...
The "my choices" section doesn't provide much detail about the tasks you are supposed to be completing. I was a little confused about how this section operates.
User review
I liked...
I liked the ability to get comments, dashboard feature, the ability to send people hugs or a bravo is really great.
I didn't like...
The activities and recommendations could be integrated better because it's unclear how they relate to the app. They seem like an add on and aren't integrated. Not sure where the information is from and its pretty brief, also the fact that the trial is so short really sucks. When you start the app it asks you to set goals with the minimum being 8 weeks. If you're going to make people pay for this you need to give them more than just a community, integrate exercise, eating, sleeping habits and make it a recovery platform for people that are really struggling with alcohol.
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