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What's Up?

About the app

What's Up? can help you cope with anxiety, stress and feelings of depression. It has interactive games, forums, thought tracking diary and helpful techniques to mange your feelings.

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User rating

Health Pro rating



Internet & data usage



Manage stress, Relax, Manage anxiety, Better habits, Control panic attacks, Manage depression


Thought tracking, Mindfulness training, Education, Relaxation techniques


Jackson Tempra


Health Pro

I would definitely promote this app a chance with all students as I think it is extremely relevant and informative. The strategies were very interactive. Colourful and engaging. Also the nice little space of time between each section was very calming. I think there were a few sections where the app was too wordy and drawn out.

User review

I liked...

This tool is great. It has lots of information for problems, and I like the inclusion of coping strategies and the interactive game for grounding. Great for everyday use, finding information and when you need a reminder of coping strategies.

I didn't like...

It's a little dark for my liking. And I would like to see more interactive features.

User review

I liked...

The variety of coping mechanisms.

I didn't like...

The way it looked, it looks boring.

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