About the app

Tide lets you get things done by breaking up individual event among discrete intervals, separated by short breaks. It helps you stay focused in work and study. With one tap, you can easily start a focus and peaceful time accompanied by sounds of natural environment. Combining the most popular time management method with nature sounds.

tide 1 jpeg

User rating

Health Pro rating



Internet & data usage



Enhance concentration, Learn skills


Time management, White noise, Audio integration


Moreless, Inc.


Health Pro

This app is simple to use and nice to look at. I think its a good strategy to try and help someone stay focused on the task at hand. Worth remembering as an option.

This app let itself down in some very simple ways. There's no back story or information about the app and the information on the theory its based on.

User review

I liked...

The design was nice and calming. Though if you use the app correctly then you shouldn't need to be looking at it.

I didn't like...

I found the sounds were distracting and while it did have a timer on it that reminded you to take breaks, a phone could do that for you without the set sounds. While you could turn off the sounds that just made it a timer and the sounds sounded fake.

User review

I liked...

There are different sounds for the app.

I didn't like...

There are only five different sounds for the app, or that I am aware of. I feel this is quite limited as there are many different sounds that could be added. The sounds may not cater to everyone. For example, I did not enjoy the ocean/afternoon or the muse sounds.

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