Quiz - Are you in a toxic friendship?
All friendships have their ups and down, but they should never leave you feeling bad about yourself
"I'm absolutely there for my friends, no matter what. A true friendship you don't expect anything in return, but you get it anyway."
Could you be a better friend? - I think it's hard to consider yourself a good friend, but if you try then normally you will be a good friend. Are you always there for your friends? - Yeah. I'm absolutely there for my friends, no matter what. A true friendship you don't expect anything in return, but you get it anyway. Do you always tell your friends the truth? - There's always like a rock in your gut trying to stop you from like saying what you wanna say and sometimes people just don't realize what they're doing. And so if they don't know, they can't change. Have you ever let a friend down? - Yeah, I've absolutely let friends down. It's sort of human nature. I think in friendships, we can't be perfect. Do you gossip about friends? - I definitely can remember gossiping about people. When you get caught up in a conversation with somebody and you just start like spewing words out. Have you ever made a friend look stupid? - If you've got friends that, you know, can take a joke, then you can make jokes, but always trying to maintain a balance of not going too far, not stepping out of that line is really difficult. Have you ever ghosted a friend? - I've ghosted people. I just sort of vanished off the face of the earth. It's a horrible thing to say, but sometimes like you just don't wanna deal with it. Everyone can become a better friend. Take the quiz to find out how [ReachOut.com]
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"I'm absolutely there for my friends, no matter what. A true friendship you don't expect anything in return, but you get it anyway."
"I have in the past. Had to give up on a friend, but I think it was better for both parties. If it feels wrong, then it is wrong."
"I have had friends that I probably, in hindsight, didn't like very much."
"Ghosting is like the worst like possible method of saying to a friend, 'Look, I just need some space from you'."
"Yes, I've said things to make friends look stupid is the answer. Not proud of it, but it happens."
"Sometimes I'll say things that are perhaps a little bit, they could come across as harsh."
"A friendship, like any relationship is a two way street, so if only one person's putting in, what do you really share?"
What can I do now?
Find out more about dealing with friendship drama, supporting your mates, and finding new friends here.
Read up on ways to deal with toxic friendship.
If you’re dealing with a toxic friendship, you can share your experience and get support here.
If you think you’re in an unhealthy friendship, take this quiz to suss it out.