7 reasons to join our Online Community

By ReachOut Content Team
Published 05 September 2023

There's probably over 100 reasons for you to join the ReachOut Online Community, but let's start with seven of them.

This can help if:

  • you want to meet young people like you

  • you're wondering what the Online Community is

  • you're thinking about signing up to the Online Community

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1.You'll meet young people like you

Let’s face it, it can be hard to make friends IRL. ReachOut’s Online Community is a place where you can chat and get to know other young people like you. Plus, we have trained volunteers (aged from 14 to 25) there to answer your questions and provide support. Friendly ReachOut Peer Workers are also around to assist anyone who is going through a really tough time.

‘I use the forums because it's a great place to safely talk about my mental health struggles and get peer support.’ – Bee

2. No one has to know who you are

The Online Community is totally anonymous. People in the community won't know who you are, and friends and family won't know what you're writing about (unless you want them to).

3. You can be yourself

There's no need to pretend here. The Online Community is a safe space where you can let your hair down and just be yourself. You can talk about anything at all, and ask any questions, and you'll never be judged.

"I find it nice to go to a place where I can comfortably be myself and talk with amazing people." - N1ghtW1ng

4. It's super easy to use

The community is just another online space where you can go to talk. But the difference here is that no one has to know who you are (unlike on Whatsapp or Snapchat). All you have to do is click here to sign up, or go here for a bit more info.

5. It's open 24/7

Yessss to chatting with friends while in your PJs! It's perfect if you want a bit of virtual company at a time when your IRL family and friends aren't available.

6. There's gifs and games galore

When you want a bit of time out, hop on the community and play some games (such as word and number games).

"We cover tough stuff here, which is valuable and important, but we also have a lot of fun counting to a million and having meme wars and turning ... into ... Elmo...uh. Yeah." - roseisnotaplant

7. You'll help others like you

It feels good to help others, which is something you can do in the Online Community, just by being a friendly member.

"The reason I began using the forum was because as someone who has suffered from issues and felt lonely, I wanted to be involved in something where I could help those people who were suffering and hopefully provide a different and personal insight." - Jrt14

What can I do now?

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