5 steps to study success

Published 11 September 20231 minute read

We’ve done the homework on studying so you don’t have to. These are your scientifically-proven steps to study success. They include embracing a small amount of stress, studying in 20-minute blocks, talking about what you’ve learned with a friend or family member, taking breaks (but not to the point of distraction!) and getting enough sleep.

5 steps to study success

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Some key takeaways to help you on your way to study success:

  • Break your study up into manageable 20-minute chunks. Get some more info about setting small goals here.

  • Talk about it or say it out loud. When you say something out loud, you'll find it much easier to remember it. Chatting with someone about what you're studying is even better.

  • Remove the distractions. Put your phone on silent and out of reach, and turn off the pop-up notifications on your computer. Research shows that it can take up to 20 minutes to refocus on what you're doing once you've been distracted.

  • Take breaks. If you plan your study chunks with breaks in between, having the time away can help you to come back refreshed.

  • Get some sleep! Getting a good night's rest helps your brain and body to rest and recharge. In fact, you'll do better at your exams and remember more of what you studied if you get a good night's sleep, rather than if you stayed up late studying.

Other things you can do include eating the right foods, perfecting your time management skills, and knowing when to take a break from studying and getting some physical activity or social time in.

Check out these study tips from the Online Community - 'After reading/writing my notes, I close my book and pretend to explain what it is im learning to an imaginary friend. You'll be surprised by how much you thought you could articulate, but can't - and it'll help you find the gaps in your knowledge...'

Want to know more about study success? For answers to your questions, Ask ReachOut.

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