Braith's story of feeling better after the bushfires

Published 06 September 20231 minute read

Braith was with his mates when he first found out about the bushfires in his town. He talks about how there wasn’t enough time to digest what happened with the fires before COVID-19 happened and things changed again. He thinks the ‘medicine’ for people who have been through the bushfires are community events, such as skate park projects and live music. He reckons it gives people the opportunity to get out of their heads and feel a bit better.

This video has been produced by our friends at headspace, see more of their resources here.

Read the transcript.

What makes me hopeful is the idea that things can only get better.

Tips for dealing with change

  • Ask yourself what is in your control and what isn’t, and focus on the things that are.

  • Work on accepting that some things are out of your control.

  • Celebrate any positives that happen, e.g. Braith’s skate park project and live music.

  • Set small goals that will help move you toward where you want to go.