I’m annoyed at everyone

Published 06 September 20232 minute read

Are you feeling annoyed all the time? Do you find yourself wondering, 'Why do I get annoyed so easily?' Find out more about why people are easily annoyed, and how to stop getting annoyed.

This can help if:

  • you find everyone annoying

  • you’re grumpy and easily irritated

  • you can’t pin down what’s bugging you.

Teen boy walking away from mother

Getting pissed off or frustrated with people

When you’re really stressed, it’s easy to become frustrated with others, even though they aren’t really doing anything annoying.

Being able to recognise when you’re being unfair is a skill worth developing. Once you can do that, it’s easier to notice when something’s bothering you so you can sort it out, instead of taking out your frustration on others.

Why people get shitty with others

There are two main reasons why stress causes us to be grumpy with other people:

  • When you’re stressed out or not satisfied with life, but you’re not sure why, your mind focuses on all the little things that you usually don’t even notice.

  • When there’s a lot on your mind, you have less tolerance for other people’s problems or the way they act, and you can be a lot less forgiving.

This is normal, but it can cause a lot of grief when you’re being hard on friends, workmates or family for something small and unimportant that you’d normally overlook.

Keeping yourself in check

There are a few things you can work on to build your self-awareness and catch yourself before you impose your crappy attitude on others:

  • When you feel grumpy or pissed off, stop and think about why. Once you’ve identified the reason, ask yourself: ‘How much does it really matter?’

  • When you feel like being critical of someone, stop and think about why you’re angry. Does it really have to do with them?

  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed and it seems that everything’s piling up on you, instead of letting yourself get angry, try focusing on the way you’re feeling, and what you need to feel better.

  • Try some stress relief strategies and see if they make a difference. Exercising or taking some time out are both good options.

Remember, you can’t change everything about the world, but you can change how you react to it. The better you get at dealing with stress, the less of an issue it will be. Check out some of the info on stress and anger management to learn how to deal with the stuff that gets to you.

What can I do now?

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