What binge drinking does to the body

Binge drinking may seem sort of harmless on the surface, but to count the real cost you need to look beyond the day-after-downsides and consider the short and long term health risks.

For men, binge drinking means more than six drinks in one sitting, and for women, it’s more than four drinks. But while the amounts may differ, the reasons behind binge drinking remain the same.

People who binge drink:

  • don't necessarily drink every day

  • may not know their own limits

  • may not mean to drink a lot

  • might feel peer pressured to drink large amounts

  • might feel awkward in social situations if they aren't drinking.

Illustration of a human body with arrows pointing to information explaining how binge drinking impacts each part of the body. The title text above the illustrations reads 'WHAT BINGE DRINKING DOES TO THE BODY'. 

On the left side of the infographic there is a sub-heading 'SHORT TERM RISKS'. Underneath this sub-heading there is text that reads: MEMORY LOSS (with an arrow pointing towards three question marks floating above the head of the body), BAD HANGOVERS (with an arrow pointing to the body's cartoon brain, which has a confused look on its face), NAUSEA VOMITING AND SHAKES (with an arrow pointing towards the intestines), ALCOHOL POISONING (with an arrow point towards the stomach), INCREASED RISK OF PHYSICAL INJURY (with an arrow pointing towards a bandaged up foot and ankle).

 On the right side of the infographic there is a sub-heading 'LONG TERM RISKS'. Underneath this sub-heading there is text that reads: CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY PROBLEMS, BRAIN DAMAGE, MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES, ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY (all with an arrow pointing towards the brain), HEART PROBLEMS (with an arrow pointing towards a frowning cartoon heart that has a bandage wrapped around its top half), DIABETES AND WEIGHT GAIN, LIVER DAMAGE, CANCER (all with an arrow pointing towards the various organs in the torso of the body), SEXUAL PROBLEMS AND FERTILITY ISSUES (with an arrow pointing towards a large red X shape over the body's genitals).

Read the transcript.

Short term risks

The short term risks of binge drinking involve more immediate and temporary symptoms, but can still have a serious impact on your day to day health and happiness.

  • Memory loss

  • Bad hangovers

  • Nausea, vomiting and shakes

  • Alcohol poisoning

  • Increased risk of physical injury

Long term risks

The long term risks of binge drinking involve more serious physical problems and potentially life threatening issues as the impact of alcohol abuse begins to affect the organs. Binge drinking may also cause or intensify mental health issues.

  • Concentration and memory problems

  • Brain damage

  • Mental health issues

  • Alcohol dependency

  • Heart problems

  • Diabetes and weight gain

  • Liver damage

  • Cancer

  • Sexual problems and fertility issues

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