Types of depression
Depression is often talked about, but not many people know exactly what it is. Problems with depression are varied and can look different for different people. Understanding the different types of depression can help you to think about what might help you.
This can help if:
you’ve been feeling low
you’re unsure about whether you’re experiencing depression
you want to learn more about different types of depression.
What is depression?
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses for young people in Australia. There are a few different forms of depression. People with depression go through periods when they feel sad, empty, or irritable, and can experience physical and mental changes that interfere with everyday life. Depression can only be diagnosed by a GP or mental health professional.
You can read more about the facts, treatment strategies and .
What are the different types of depression?
There are a number of different types of depression. The most common types include:
Major depression
Also known as ‘clinical depression’, ‘major depressive disorder’ and ‘unipolar depression’, this is the most common type of depression and what most people know as ‘depression’.
It involves low moods and/or loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities, along with other symptoms. These include changes in weight, sleep, appetite, energy and activity, thoughts of suicide and feelings of worthlessness. The symptoms of major depression occur almost daily, for at least two weeks, and significantly interfere with day-to-day living.
Persistent depressive disorder
Also known as ‘dysthymia’, this term applies to long-lasting depressive disorders. The symptoms experienced as part of dysthymia are similar to those in major depression, although usually less severe. These symptoms must be experienced most of the time, for at least two years, to meet the criteria for dysthymia/persistent depressive disorder.
Psychotic depression
Also known as ‘major depressive disorder with psychotic features’, this is a severe type of depression in which people may lose touch with reality and experience symptoms of psychosis. Psychotic depression symptoms may involve hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there) and/or delusions (false beliefs not consistent with reality), such as beliefs that they are being followed or will be harmed by others.
You can learn more about psychotic depression and other psychotic disorders here.
Other types of depression
Other variations of depressive disorders include:
Perinatal depression – experienced by some parents during pregnancy or in the first 12 months after the baby is born.
Seasonal affective disorder – usually experienced in winter. This condition is thought to be related to light exposure.
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder – involves frequent and intense temper outbursts in children aged 6–18.
These disorders share some symptoms with other depressive disorders, but have distinct features related to how, when and where they arise, and in whom.
Other mental health conditions linked to different types of depression
Many people can experience depression that is associated with other mental health disorders such as eating or anxiety disorders. People with bipolar disorder, which can include periods of very high moods and impulsive behaviour, can experience periods of depression.
Where to find support services for depression?
The good news is that a wide range of treatment options and resources is available to help manage depression. Professional help can be beneficial for all types of depressive disorders, but is particularly necessary for addressing severe and persistent forms.
In person support for depressive disorders
Visit your local GP.
Make an appointment at your local headspace, or with a registered mental health professional in your area.
Find a mental health professional using beyondblue's directory of mental health practitioners.
Over the phone support for different types of depression
Call Lifeline (13 11 14) or Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) for 24/7 phone counselling.
Contact your local Mental Health Access Line (1800 011 511) for high-risk situations or where an emergency response is needed.
Online support services for depression
Learn more about depression from specialist mental health organisations such as beyondblue, Black Dog Institute, SANE Australia and headspace.
Join an online support group via the ReachOut Forums or Mental Health Carers Australia.
Want to know more about depression? For answers to your questions, Ask ReachOut.
What can I do now?
Read more about treatments for depression.
Get more info about support services for depression.
Learn more about what it is like to experience a depressive disorder through these young people’s first-hand stories.