Not sure what's wrong? Try NextStep

By ReachOut Content Team
Published 05 September 20233 minute read

When you’re feeling stressed, down or overwhelmed, it’s pretty hard to know what’s really up and how to get help. That’s where NextStep comes in.

NextStep can help you figure out what’s going on for you, and then suggest different types of support based on what will best meet your needs. It’s a free, anonymous and easy-to-use tool that you can access anytime, anywhere, on your phone or laptop.

You can access NextStep from the ReachOut site, and it’s also available on the ReachOut Forums.

hand holding phone showing nextstep screen

It helps you figure out what's wrong

Have you had that niggling (or downright in-your-face) feeling that something’s up? NextStep starts by simply prompting you, ‘Let's work out what's worrying you at the moment’. It gives you a whole bunch of options to choose from. You can select as many as you like. It will then help you to narrow them down and decide what to focus on.

If you’ve got something specific going on for you, select an issue upfront and skip ahead to select how much it’s affecting you.

When my anxiety is bad, it can be hard to focus on how I’m feeling. NextStep provided me with options which at least helped narrow down how I was feeling.’ – Erin

‘It can be really overwhelming to figure out how to get help on your own, and this tool lets you figure out your next step without even having to get out of bed.’ – Courtney

‘I think it's useful in both directing young people to help and also shedding some light for them on what might be going on.’ – Sophie

It covers all kinds of issues

From depression and anxiety, to sexuality, bullying, relationships and more – NextStep helps with the more serious stuff, as well as the everyday issues that might be getting to you.

Plenty of options for what you're feeling, and very good gender options. Lots of good content, and easy to get through.’ – Lucas

‘I liked how it had more issues than I expected that were very everyday and not necessarily mental illness.’ – Kiara

‘You can come back to it on different days with different things on your mind and always get something new and useful out of it.’ – Courtney

... and will guide you to the next step

Okay, so you've figured out what's up. Now what? NextStep will give you lots of different choices of stuff that will help – from helplines to online chats, to articles and apps. You can go through all the options and decide which ones you want to try first.

You can even save options to a plan and set a PIN, so that you can come back to it whenever you need it.

‘It shows many different ways you can get help, meaning that if you’re not comfortable talking on the phone, you’re able to still find help through this.’ – Brigette

‘I love that NextStep helps you figure out what to do next when you might have no idea yourself! It brings a bit of independence and power right when you need it most.’ – Courtney

‘It jogged my memory with some things. I’d use it for finding help around my area that I could access.’ – Riley

Help us make NextStep better!

If you’ve used NextStep, we’d love YOUR feedback! When you exit NextStep, click ‘Leave feedback’ to submit any comments or questions about your experience using the tool. Every little bit counts! Help shape the future of NextStep for all young people.

Watch this video to see how NextStep works.

What can I do now?

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