Q&A: What's it like to see a therapist?

Our Online Community and Instagram followers had a lot of questions about what seeing a therapist is like. Bryden, 24, and Nasalifya, Clinical Psychologist, sat down to answer those questions: from overcoming the awkwardness, seeing a therapist when you’re on a lower income, what to do if you can’t get in to see a therapist and how to deal if you don’t click with them.

Read the transcript.

Finding a therapist can be a little tricky, so have a huge shopping list of all the things you'd want in your dream therapist, then go online, have a look and see who ticks those boxes.

What we learnt about seeing a therapist:

  • When you’re looking for a therapist, it can help to think about what qualities and qualifications you want them to have.

  • If you’re not used to opening up, seeing a therapist can feel a bit awkward at first. But the therapist should do a lot of the work in making you feel comfortable to share what you want to share.

  • Preparing for your session is important. Think about what you want to talk about, and be ready to open up. Nasalifya also suggests making time for some self-care after the session.

  • Feeling like your treatment isn’t working sucks. Start by having an open conversation with your therapist, and then consider changing therapists if it’s not the right fit.

  • If you can’t get in to see a therapist, you can start by putting yourself on a couple of waitlists. See your GP and ask your family and friends for support. If you need immediate support, call a helpline like Lifeline (13 11 14) or Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).

  • Don’t forget to see your GP to get a Mental Health Care Plan to receive lower fee or bulk-billed sessions. You could also tell your therapist you are having financial struggles and see if they can reduce their fee.

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